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Step into the Tranquil Oasis of an Eastern Hammam

Indulge in the centuries-old tradition of the Eastern hammam, a sanctuary of rejuvenation and relaxation. Embark on a sensory journey that transcends time and culture, where steam, heat, and water blend to cleanse both body and spirit.

Experience Highlights:

🌿 Ancient Rituals, Modern Serenity: Immerse yourself in the ambiance of a traditional hammam, where age-old customs meet contemporary comfort. Feel the soothing warmth and embrace the serenity that envelops you.

🌊 Steam’s Embrace: Surrender to the luxurious steam that engulfs the hammam, softening your skin and opening your pores. Let the steam work its magic, revitalizing your body and refreshing your mind.

🛁 Rituals of Cleansing:
Engage in time-honored cleansing rituals, from exfoliating scrubs to gentle massages. Allow the skilled hands of our therapists to guide you through a process of renewal, leaving you with a profound sense of well-being.

💧 Healing Waters:
Experience the art of water therapy as you move between temperature contrasts, invigorating your senses and promoting circulation. The hammam’s serene atmosphere enhances relaxation and healing.

Location: [Insert Location]
Hours: [Insert Hours]
Reservations: [Insert Contact Details]

At the Eastern hammam, every moment is a passage to tranquility. Discover the harmony between tradition and modernity, as you embrace the purifying rituals that have stood the test of time. Reawaken your senses, restore your balance, and nurture your inner serenity. Your journey to rejuvenation starts here.

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Sensational Sauna Temperatures: Diverse Heat Experiences in Different Sauna Types

The ideal sauna temperature has sparked extensive debates, but the answer isn’t definitive — it varies based on sauna type and personal inclinations.

Infrared Sauna

Infrared saunas utilize infrared sources for heating, with temperatures around 40 °C (104 °F). 

These saunas require around 20 minutes per session, allowing the infrared radiation to permeate the body. They are ideal for those less tolerant of intense heat or steam.

Let’s explore the favored temperatures for various popular saunas:

Finnish Sauna

With over a thousand years of history, the Finnish sauna employs dry heat. 

The sauna air is hot and arid, occasionally infused with brief bursts of humidity by adding water to the stones. Temperatures range from 70-100 °C (158-212 °F), often with tiered seating to cater to varied preferences.

Some seasoned sauna enthusiasts opt for even higher temperatures, reaching up to 120 °C (248 °F), but caution is advised, as this might prove unbearable for most. Following each session, a cool water dousing or fresh air cooldown is customary. 

The Finnish sauna offers an extended relaxation experience.

Traditional Russian Sauna

Banyas, or traditional Russian saunas, boast centuries-old legacies and rely on steam rather than dry heat. 

These saunas employ a substantial brick oven to attain a maximum of 50 °C (122 °F), followed by water poured onto hot stones to generate dense steam. In contrast to the Finnish sauna, the Russian version maintains a lower but more humid atmosphere. 

The sauna regimen, however, remains akin—multiple rounds of heating followed by cooling through cold air, water, or snow.

Turkish or Arabic Sauna

This ancient sauna variant, prevalent in Islamic nations, employs water baths to heat the air and raise temperatures to 40-50 °C. 

Hammams, prominent in the Arab world, function as social spaces in addition to relaxation havens. Their popularity has extended to Europe and North America.

Steam Sauna

Modern steam saunas share similarities with Russian saunas, offering high humidity and lower temperatures.
Steam saunas use generators to produce steam, typically maintaining temperatures between 40-45 °C (104-113 °F) with humidity around 100%.

The sauna regimen, however, remains akin—multiple rounds of heating followed by cooling through cold air, water, or snow.

In today’s sauna world, whether you favor Finnish dry heat, Russian steam, or modern infrared, a sauna fitting your preferences is available.

If you’re contemplating building your own sauna, explore our outdoor sauna offerings or contact us for personalized advice!

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Discover the Ultimate Sauna Showcase in New Jersey, Proudly Presented by EZSAUNAS Company!

Get ready to embark on a journey into the world of relaxation and wellness at the upcoming Sauna Exhibition in the heart of New Jersey. As the leading sponsor, EZSAUNAS Company is thrilled to invite you to an unparalleled experience that celebrates the art of sauna living.

Get ready to embark on a journey into the world of relaxation and wellness at the upcoming Sauna Exhibition in the heart of New Jersey. As the leading sponsor, EZSAUNAS Company is thrilled to invite you to an unparalleled experience that celebrates the art of sauna living.

Event Highlights:

🌟 Unveiling the Finest Sauna Innovations: Immerse yourself in a world where cutting-edge technology meets ancient traditions. Explore a captivating array of saunas, each meticulously crafted to elevate your well-being.

🌟 Expert Insights and Demos: Engage with industry experts and learn about the intricate details that make each sauna a masterpiece. From optimal temperature settings to unique design elements, you’ll gain valuable insights into curating your own sanctuary of relaxation.

🌟 Wellness Workshops: Elevate your understanding of wellness as you attend insightful workshops led by wellness enthusiasts. Discover the profound benefits of regular sauna sessions and how they contribute to a balanced, rejuvenated lifestyle.

🌟 Exclusive Discounts: As a token of appreciation, EZSAUNAS Company is offering exclusive event discounts for attendees. Take advantage of this opportunity to bring the bliss of a sauna retreat right into your own home.

🌟 Networking and Connections: Connect with fellow sauna enthusiasts, wellness aficionados, and industry professionals. Share your passion, exchange ideas, and forge lasting connections that resonate beyond the event.

Date: [Insert Date]
Time: [Insert Time]
Location: [Insert Venue]
Admission: Free

Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to explore the world of saunas like never before. Join us at the Sauna Exhibition in New Jersey, and let EZSAUNAS Company guide you towards a life of relaxation, rejuvenation, and well-being. Reserve your spot now!

For inquiries and further information, feel free to contact us at [Insert Contact Details]. Get ready to experience the warmth of wellness with EZSAUNAS Company. Your journey to a healthier, happier you begins here.

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